LiZzIe'S lOvAbLe LiFe...
Dec 20, 2012
Once upon a time...
One upon a time, I got my Associates degree... Big Whoop. I had this misconception that once I had my degree, I would be done.... DANG! I start again Jan. 7th.
Nov 8, 2012
God is so good! (Mission prep, church, primary, IHC, MY JOB!)
God is good. real good.
It all started Sunday. (back up... and freeze!) Our stake has this awesome program to help people prepare for missions. My brother has been going forever, and my little sister started going too. They invited me, and I did not even think about it, the answer was "Nope!" Why? Because it is at 7:30 am on the only day I can sleep in. Lame excuse... I know! Anyway.... I got my friend from the ward to say she would go with me, and on Sunday we went. It was not gonna kill me to get up early, but I did it anyway. Did I regret it? No! I felt the spirit sooooo strong! The strongest I have felt it for a while. Part of the program is that you, and your "companion" will teach some aspect to the "investigators"(leaders). <--- That was really hard, but I learned a TON! God is good in that I went (which was a miracle!), He let me feel the spirit so strongly, and I was able to become stronger. God is Good.
After mission prep, I helped my mom teach her primary class. I LOVE those kids! They are so cute! One little girl prayed that Mitt Romney could be president... Ha! Those little kids ask questions, that I would have never thought of. They are internalizing those lessons taught in primary! God is good for letting me feel of those kids spirits.
Then I went to church, I didn't feel like going, but I went anyway. I felt the spirit ALL during church. The RS lesson was especially filled with the spirit. God is good.
A couple days ago when I was walking across UVU campus, I was thinking about my job-searching efforts. I have been apply for jobs at IHC. It is nearly unheard of to get a job at IHC at this young of an age, I had a couple interviews, but nothing turned out. Anyway, going back to this walk, I started thinking getting a job right now must not be the right thing. God won't give me more than I can handle, and I probably can't handle school full-time, work full-time, and everything else in my life. I just thought to myself, Okay, it is a righteous desire. I want to pay for my mission, but it is God's will.
Yesterday I got a call from IHC. They offered me a job working on the neuro-unit. They usually start people at $9.20 or something, and they offered me the job at $10.60. I will be working nights, 3 nights a week. It will be hard for the first two weeks, because I will have school, and finals, but then after I have school only on Tuesdays. (But it is anatomy!) God is good. If you hand yourself over to God, He will do what is best! He knows and loves me, and you!
Anyway... this is just another week in Lizzie's lovable (God-blessed) Life!
Oct 17, 2012
Lizzie Loves: Changing experiences
Don't keel over.... two blog posts in a week?!?!?!
I am constantly amazed at the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It is so complex, and yet so simple. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have of God, and Christ. They are there. Always. It is evident all around me, and I need to take the time to notice.
I had a Young Woman's leader who gave me a challenge to read the Book of Mormon, and underline anytime it talked of Christ. I still haven't finished...(Bless my heart!) But, That challenge has been changing me! It is teaching me how to realize how much the scriptures testify of Christ. It has opened my eyes to see Christ more fully in my life. He is all around me! Cindy probably never knew the impact that challenge was going to have on my life, when she issued it, but it changed me! I will forever be grateful! Thank You!
This is just another day in Lizzie's Lovable... changed Life!
Oct 15, 2012
Lizzie's Lovable...Wait What?!?!?!
So... I read this thing on...oh, you know... Pinterest... (Wish me luck on my research paper!)
Usually I happen upon tons of funny things, that make me laugh, but tonight, God knew I needed something different.
Different? How? Well, usually I am about to pee my trousers, because I am laughing so hard, but tonight I about pee-d my trousers getting the message God sent to me!
God has a way of communicating straight to me... Many times people will say something as a side comment, and the spirit will testify to me of something.
Anyway-- Today I have been on this little rant of "I hate school!", "I am SoOoOoO sick of school!", "I don't WANT to learn any more!" And then...I read this...
The world does not owe me anything! I am not forced to go to school, I am not forced to get an education, I am not forced to follow my dreams, I am not forced to do anything. I have a choice....
"You are important and you are needed. It's too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday. Someday is now and that somebody is you!"... I have a love/hate relationship with that.
~Well, glad we got that over with!~
So, General Conference... I always love it, but I will never for get the general conference that we had October 2012, the month of my eighteenth birthday(I know old, right?).
The prophet announced that young men now have the option of going on a mission at 18, and women at the age of 19.
You mean the plans that I had that were 4 years away are now 1 year from this month?!?!?! God knows what He needs, and He knows what I need! I had no idea at the time, but I needed this.
Well, God knows, and loves...
It's just another day in Lizzie's Lovable Life!
Aug 13, 2012
Lizzie's lovable life... in the last six weeks.
So.... I wrote my brother on his mission. So I figured I would upload went I sent him... It just about sums my life for the last six weeks up...
First I had to let him know that:
"Eye" am watching you!!!!
Every once in a while... I do my hair! (meaning I straighten it) |
(I don't know what's going on with my eyes...)
I just finished anatomy... I was spending 16 hour days at Good Ol' UVU... I had like 7 books... here are a few... |
Half way through the class, when I took my midterm... they told me my score, and I was like: |
This is me in the middle a long day at UVU...
(there may have been a hottie (with a naughty body) passing by... :D
This is how I felt while taking the (Anatomy) final... |
Now I feel happy for two reasons:
1. I am done with anatomy,
2. Your coming home soon... holla!
May 28, 2012
Lizzie Loves: Crazy Weeks!
This was a crazy week! I had some major things happening in my life!
- I graduated! (A year early, and more than 75% done with my associates) Hollaaarrr!
~Heidi took senior pics for me... Thanks Heidi!
~Starting the singles ward Sunday... Weird!
~On Saturday we went to the Air show at Hill Air Force Base... It was AWESOME! Seriously... And not just because it was a bunch of men in uniform! :) It started to rain, no pour! With my broken leg I could not run, so I was soaked by the time I got to Millers Motor Home... I took off my boot, and the bottom of my feet were totally dissolving... Sick!
~ Being at the Airshow makes me so grateful that I was born in America! There are so many people that are willing to put their lives on the line, for my freedoms... They will never know how grateful I am. Thank you! I am proud to be an American!
Anyway, This is just a little taste of my week, crazy huh?! I hope your week was as adventurous! =D This is just another week in Lizzie's Lovable {Crazy} Life!
Dec 4, 2011
Okay... So I know I am a slacker!
So, you all know how much I love school...*Snicker* Next week is Finals, YiKeS! I think I will be doing this...(Yea, For good intentions!)
But i think I will end up with this...
*Giggle, Giggle*
Well, see least till finals are over!
It;s just another day in Lizzie's Lovable(always studying) life!
But i think I will end up with this...
Well, see least till finals are over!
It;s just another day in Lizzie's Lovable(always studying) life!
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